
interpcl.interpcl(l, cl, lmax=None, dipole=True, monopole=False, **kwargs)

interpolate angular power spectrum

Interpolate an angular power spectrum \(C(l)\) using spline interpolation. Given input modes l, cl, returns the power spectrum for all integer modes from 0 to lmax, or the highest input mode if lmax is not given. The dipole is computed if dipole is True, or set to zero, and similarly for monopole.

l, clarray_like

Input angular power spectrum. Must be one-dimensional arrays.

lmaxint, optional

Highest output mode. If not set, the highest input mode is used.

dipolebool, optional

Compute the dipole (True), or set it to zero (False).

monopolebool, optional

Compute the monopole (True), or set it to zero (False).

**kwargsdict, optional

Keyword arguments for scipy.interpolate.interp1d.


Interpolated angular power spectrum.